Three-Day Capacity Building Training for FPO Leaders

Shubhodaya Farmers Federation, Bidar, successfully organized three-day training program on capacity building of BoDs & CEOs of Farmer Producer Organisation (FPOs) from 22nd September to 24th September 2022 at KVK Hulkoti, Gadag. More than 30 participants involving CEOs and BODs of FPOs from 8 districts participated in the training program.

Day 1: Introduction to FPOs and Legal Framework

Session 1: Introduction to FPOs

  • Definition, objectives, and significance of FPOs in agricultural development.
  • Case studies of successful FPOs and their impact. 

Session 2: Legal and Regulatory Framework

  • Registration process and compliance requirements for FPOs.
  • Rights, responsibilities, and governance structure of FPOs.

Session 3: Roles and Responsibilities of CEOs and BoDs

  • Duties and functions of CEOs and BoDs in governance and decision-making.
  • Importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical practices.

Day 2: Building Organizational Capacity

Session 4: Financial Management

  • Basics of financial planning, budgeting, and accounting for FPOs.
  • Fundraising strategies, accessing grants, and managing finances effectively.

Session 5: Market Linkages and Value Addition

  • Understanding market dynamics and value chain integration.
  • Developing market linkages with buyers, processors, and exporters.

Day 3: Technology Adoption

Session 6: Onboarding FPOs on ONDC

  • Registration and process of onboarding FPO
  • Creating product catalogue

Session 7: presentation on successful FPOs

  • Role of technology in improving agricultural productivity and efficiency.
  • Examples of successful technology applications in FPOs.
FPO Training